Helping you Reclaim Your Energetic Signature

Helping you Reclaim
Your Energetic Signature


Donna-Marie, is an Intuitive Light Worker, Medium, Facilitator of Transformational Energy and Divine Mastery.

Her ability to connect with Spirit allows access to Divine Light Christ Consciousness. This includes The Ascendant Masters, Healing Masters, The Angelic realm, The Archangels, Wisdom of the Ancients, High Priestesses, Celtic Goddesses, the planetary support of the Divine light beings of Intergalactic and more.

Her ability to serve as WIFI and facilitate vibrational realignment to bring you back to your soul’s Energetic Signature and designed frequency. Enabling you to reclaim all of the abundance you are here to live, express and experience in your fullness for your greatest and highest good.

You ABSOLUTELY must know and understand your OWN energetic vibration as it is THE KEY to aligning you to be the vibrational MATCH to your goals, dreams and destined outcomes.

The intention of Donna-Marie’s work is to return you to your Highest frequency, reclaim your Soul’s Energetic Signature and live your Divine Mastery —ultimately, enabling your best life intended — full, complete and abundant!

Explore Donna-Marie’s Offerings

30-mins Energy Clearing

Lift&Shift Shimmer&Shine

A one on one experience to remove all
existing residue of energetic emotions,
carbon densities and negative attachments
that do not support a higher vibrational
frequency for your best, brightest, highest.

Divine Mastery

Start your own intuitive business

Transform any area of your life is by shifting
your energy and returning to your innate
Gold Print. I will tailor our sessions to exactly
what you need. Book a call to learn more.


Transformational Eight-Day Program

Magnetize Your Brilliance, Activate Your
True North Star is now available on replay.
This is a journey home & a reconnection to
your Infinite being… your STARlight.

Saturday Satsangs

High Vibrational Activations

This is a monthly group Zoom call where
you are cleared of energetic buildup. The
themes each month are channeled
for what is most needed by the collective.

1-1 Mentorships

Reclaiming Your 10/10 Empowerment

Transform any area of your life is by shifting
your energy and returning to your innate
Gold Print. I will tailor our sessions to exactly
what you need. Book a call to learn more.

Saturday Satsangs

High Vibrational/Multidimensional Activations

This is a monthly group Zoom call where
you are cleared of energetic buildup. The
themes each month are channeled
for what is most needed by the collective.

1-1 Mentorships

Reclaiming Your 10/10 Empowerment

Transform any area of your life is by shifting
your energy and returning to your innate
Gold Print. I will tailor our sessions to exactly
what you need. Book a call to learn more.

Client Testimonial

Contact Donna-Marie

Donna-Marie helped me regain control of my life when I was paralyzed by fear and anxiety. Checking in with her for monthly sessions has helped me identify and clear issues that drained my energy. With Donna-Marie’s guidance I’ve also learned how to set intentions in order to allow for my dreams to come true. She knows when to be gentle and when to be direct and to the point. Thanks Donna-Marie, I would not have survived the last 6+ years without you. xx


Be blessed by the influence of this remarkable Woman. Her cheerful therapy is like a sunny day, which sheds its brightness when you need it most.

– Corrina Paulenco

Donna-Marie helped me sort out some major issues that were blocking my continued success. You will have tangible and many results from your time with her… sometimes we need coaching, sometimes we just need to be Re-aligned to our goals, whatever you want, you can do this!

– Brigitte